Saturday, July 23, 2011

Web Development

Since the mid-1990s web development has been one of the fastest growing industries in the world. There were less than 1000 web development companies in the US in 1995, ten years later that number had increased by 97 percent.

As a broad term, web development refers to every step of producing a website- from building it, to designing it, creating content for it and embedding social features. However, most members of the digital industry think of web development as the practice of writing code.

There are two main areas of code- client side coding and server side coding. Client side coding refers to what the user can experience on a web page. For instance, Adobe Flash Player is a software for viewing animations and movies. Microsoft Silverlight is a browser plugin for Microsoft that enables animation as well as vector graphics and high-definition video playback.

Server side coding is done for the server- a computer program running to serve the needs of other programs which may not be running on the same computer. These are codes that the server understands but not the user. Such coding includes ASP, PHP, CSP, ColdFusion and more.

Depending on the type of website you want to own as well as the sorts of marketing campaigns or programmes you want it to be able to run, code can be very simple or very complicated.

Service-based companies who are looking for client enquiries for instance, might want to keep their sites basic- with a few pages of need-to-know information including prices and contact details as well as ways to get in touch. These companies should make sure that their sites are easy to navigate and that their content answers all of the questions they imagine their target market would have.

A consumer brand with a big marketing budget however, might want to explore the potential of digital campaigns. French water brand, Perrier, for instance recently launched an online campaign on YouTube. The idea is the more people who watch it, the steamier it gets. The execution makes it very easy to share the campaign with friends and followers on Facebook, Twitter and other social sharing platforms.

Web developers understand the language of computers, they are builders and often gamers as well. The more complicated the programme, the bigger the challenge. Web developers work with designers and user-experience experts to create an online experience for users that is simple, stimulating and gets them to where they need to go.

Adaptive Consultancy is a London-based digital agency
specialising in website design, eCommerce, and internet marketing,
SEO, PPC and SMO. For more on web agency London visit


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